Tuesday, September 21, 2010

C.R.A.P. I love it!

I think this is one of the more creative publishing acronyms that I've come across. I'm likely to share this with my students.
Even though this is actually a design tip for web designers, I think it is appropriate for what we're going to be looking at in my yearbook course.

I'll be posting more design ideas for layout as I come across them.

Other Yearbook Blogs

I was doing some searching for other yearbook blogs today. I came across several that have some timely and appropriate tips. I'm linking them here in this post, and I hope that they will yeild some interesting information.
In the end, I don't seem to have a lot of references for yearbook related blogs that are timely and current. Most that I found were outdated and ceased to be updated around 2008. Here's hoping I can do better. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Introductions, Please

This is a blog where I will attempt to share my efforts in creating an award-winning yearbook at Mariemont High School in scenic Cincinnati, Ohio. My yearbook class, which produces the Chieftain, meets once a day and we are striving to take our book from the annual picture-book of old to being a piece of journalistic excellence and a great historical record.
Follow along if you want. I think we'll be having quite a ride.

Michael Becksfort